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Senin, 02 Juni 2014

Custom Font

Custom Font
[Image: Screenshot_2014-03-27-17-40-14.png]
Custom Font for Android OS4.1.2 & OS4.3

Simple,.. cukup instal Apk seperti biasa Big Grin

- Untuk font OS4.3 semua font dapat berjalan lancar, I like it..
- Untuk font OS4.1.2 belum saia coba semuanya, hanya beberapa ekor aja Tongue
- Belum pernah test pada device standart ROM (non root), mudah2an aja bisa dah Angel
- Sekian sekilas info Tongue

download here

Link2SD & Plus key

Link2SD & Plus key
Link2SD is an application manager that makes it easy for Android 2.0+ users to move applications to the SD card, to clean all cache files of the apps. It enables you to manage your apps and storage easily.

The idea behind is same with apps2sd scripts, linking applications to SD card's second partition but differs in two ways.

One, instead of linking /data/app folder (that means moving all applications), you can select applications that you want to move.
Two, it's an application which means has a user interface. You can manage your applications with few clicks.

It also provides native app to SD (app2sd) features on Android 2.2 and higher. It can move any non-protected user apps to SD card (force move), with batch moving capability.
That feature uses Android's standard SD-card installation feature and does not require a second partition.

Cache cleaner function clears all your cache and free up space with a single tap. Also cache cleaner widget displays total cache size and enables "one tap cache cleaning" without opening the app.

[Image: y3kgHSynaasY9Q1IYfHTuoyezMaq15CHJHD93BfJ...8onjFlEFL0][Image: Mlf2rzyVWQgJE5lDbS-hxqMVz27Abe_F-zrIw7tt...uJRXj80CJL]

[Image: 1jcXRXesraVe33RaG5wYG3DyFXZQ9ujkSok867ez...Wg5ACPUKkY][Image: y3kgHSynaasY9Q1IYfHTuoyezMaq15CHJHD93BfJ...8onjFlEFL0]

- App manager
- Create and remove link for apk, dex and lib files of the applications you select
- Automatically link newly installed apps (optional)
- Move any user apps to SD even though the app does not support moving to SD (a.k.a. "force move", for Android 2.2 and higher)
- Shows the apps that support moving to SD with native apps2sd
- Set the default install location of the apps; auto, internal, or external
- Batch link, unlink, reinstall, uninstall, "move to SD", "move to phone" functions
- Notify when movable apps installed
- Uninstall system applications (bloatware removal)
- Freeze and un-freeze system and users applications
- Convert system apps into user apps
- Convert user apps into system apps
- Integrate "Updated" system apps into system (ROM)
- Clear data and cache of the application
- Clear all apps cache at once (1-tap cache cleaner without being root)
- Clear cache widget (1-tap cache cleaner without being root)
- Notify if total cache size exceeds specified size
- List applications, show detailed size information and link status
- Wide variety of options to sort and filter apps
- Search applications by name
- Display available space information of internal storage, SD card and SD card 2nd partition
- Share the link of an app
- Support 35+ languages

Plus features:
- Removes ads
- Auto clear cache service

What you need for linking apps:
- root permission.
- a second partition on your SD card.

You should have two partitions on SD card and both should be primary.
The first FAT partition is your standard SD card storage. The second partition is used for application files and can be ext2, ext3, ext4 or FAT32.
Some phones lack the ext2, ext3 or ext4 file system support and you may get mount errors like "no such device", "invalid argument". These phones need ext2.ko or ext3.ko modules and even some additional modules to be able to mount. Using FAT32 on the second partition will eleminate such problems, because FAT32 is supported on all phones.


Sony Xperia Z Album & Walkman

Sony Xperia Z Album & Walkman
[Image: fWhDv4Dp]
Sony Xperia Z Album & Walkman

Cukup install Apk seperti biasa, no root required Big Grin
Tested: Samsung G-Note ll (4.3) / Lenovo K900 (4.2.1 Rooted)


MIUI Recovery Touch Andromax i2

MIUI Recovery Touch Andromax i2
Syarat utama Andromax i2 sudah di Root
- Download dan install Terminal Emulator dari Play Store

- Download dan install Root Explorer (cari di google banyak)

- Download : MIUI Recovery Touch

Pemasangan :

1. Copy file miui-recovery-touch-i2.img yang tadi sudah didownload ke sdcard (jangan di dalam folder..!!!)

2. Buka Terminal Emulator

3. Pada jendela Terminal Emulator :
ketik : su [enter]
ketik : dd if=/sdcard/miui-recovery-touch-i2.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13 [enter]

4. Buka Root Explorer ke /system/etc/install-recovery.sh
hapus install-recovery.sh nya atau rename jadi”install-recovery.sh.bak
[ jika tidak di temukan file install-recovery.sh, lewati/abaikan step ini ]

5. Buka Root Explorer ke /system/recovery-from-boot.p
hapus recovery-from-boot.p nya atau rename jadi”recovery-from-boot.p.bak
[ jika tidak di temukan file recovery-from-boot.p, lewati/abaikan step ini ]

6. Matikan Andromax i2 dan coba boot ke MIUI-Recovery dengan cara
tekan dan tahan tombol power dan vol-up secara bersamaan,
di saat hh getar lepas tombol power nya tapi tetap tahan tombol vol-up nya sampe masuk recovery…
atau bisa juga install aplikasi Quick Boot di Play Store… buka app Quick Boot lalu pilih menu Recovery…

Note: Perhatikan dan periksa kembali command pada terminal jangan sampai salah !!!

dd if=/sdcard/miui-recovery-touch-i2.img of=/dev/block/mmcblk0p13

Untuk yang mau balik ke Stock Recovery
download file dibawah lalu install via MIUI-recovery

Download: Stock Recovery AD683J

Minggu, 01 Juni 2014

Cara memperbaiki invalid imei dan tidak bisa baca simcard pada gadget replika/supercopy

banyak kendala sering terjadi pada hp replika/supercopy,seperty restart cina,imei tidak valid,tidak baca simcard,kali ini kita akan membantu anda para pengguna gadget supercopy,agar bisa memperbaiki dan tak perlu membawa hp anda ke tukang service,karena sangat mudah memperbaikinya, simak baik baik keterangan dibawah ini :
Untuk masalah simcard gak baca / NO SIGNAL validasi IMEI pada replika
*#*#889988#*#* ——> cara utk validasi imei di 5″
1. catat imei di blakang mesinnya dulu pakai kertas / difoto/atau boleh juga pake imei lain
2. Dial *#*#889988#*#*
3. Ke menu GPRS
4. Masukin nomor imei sesuai dengan blakang mesin
5. Write imei.

invalid Imei
S4 (4,7) ” : – *#3646633#
S4 (5) : – *#*#889988#*#*
note 3 [5,5]” : – *#*#46340#*#*
V16: – *#4560# dan. *#95001#
S4 (5 inch) stuck di logo samsung
Tekan tombol power + volume down barengan <dalam kondisi mati>
Pilih nmr 3 dari bawah alias MMC
S4 (4,7) stuck logo samsung
Tekan tombol volume up + power
Plh nmr. 3 dr bawah
Jika menu berubah *#95002#
Cara write imei utk Note 3 Replika
pertama cek dulu *#06# : invalid kode
1. Masukan kode *#*#889988#*#*
2. Tampilan menu write imei, : Masukan 15 digit imei ( bs liat dibwh baterai (digit bs terserah)
3. Setelah itu klik write button
4. Next : matikan secara manual note3 nya
5. Hidupkan kembali Note3 nya
6. Cek *#06# :
7. Sukses no imei, tq
5s playstore bahasa cina *#15963#*,masuk dalam ada 6 pilihan ,Android ,apple ,chinese ,English ,choose English        Dan apabila anda mendapatkan permasalahan dengan tipe hp seperti dibawah ini :
Jika Ketemu Kode / menu aneh di s4 (i9500):
Langkah 1 :
*masuk menu telp : kode *#95002#
*next ubah logo samsung *#0066#
Jika tidak ada pengaruh
Langkah 2 :
*masuk menu setting
*choose factory reset
*conteng erase all
*s4 reboot n menu berubah normal
*kode logo : *#0066#
dibawah Ini daftar kode campuran lainnya :
iphone 5
kode invalid imei
Ubah bahasa. *#*#3736#*#*
check phone   *#0*#
write i-mei   *#*#889988#*#*
*#0087# :: up mmc
*#0077# :: up mmc
*#95002# : 4.7 ubah cina app
Ubh apple *#0158#
Ubh android *#8000#
5c :Rubah logo: *#0158#
ubah samsung*#*#660#*#*
Ganti imei : *#0182#
Cek mesin : *#0183#
Bahasa : *#0184#
Rubah warna :
putih *#11#
hijau *#22#
biru *#33#
merah *#44#
kuning *#55#*#*#6688#*#*
Z10 supercopy invalid Imei/no signal
Pilih gprs
Tkan sim 1
Imei nya tlis sesuai imei yg tempel di blkang
Lalu restart
Baru buka data connection nya .

gjjjjjj copy